Yesterday, we brought the boys in to get their shots.
Corbin got 4 and it was a pretty traumatic experience. A lady from our church did 2 of them and he would only say bye, he wouldn't look at her for the longest time! Hopefully he will get over it soon and won't hold it against her.
He weighed in at 24 pounds 2 ounces and is 34 inches tall!
Elias got 3 shots and he screamed for a little while, but was quickly back to his normal smiley self!
He weighed in at 13 pounds 9 ounces and is 24 inches long!
He has really chunked up in the last couple weeks! He is officially into 3-6 month clothes and some 6-9 with the sleepers.
And as Joel was sitting in the waiting room with Corbin while Elias was getting checked out, Joel asked if he would need a shot being he pushed a drill into his finger last weekend. They said he would need Joel got a shot, too!
Hope all your guys are feeling back to normal and less like pincushions very soon. :o)
Okay thankfully Little N is bigger (at least by his 12 month figures).....phew.....otherwise there might be trouble with a 14 month old and a 4 month old weighing the weight. :-)
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