On Thursday, I had my 38 week appointment. We drove the 1 1/2 hour drive to Minot yet again. Some progress has been made...but no baby yet! I have had pretty severe swelling this pregnancy so the Dr. told me no salt (or as little as possible). Talk about hard! I guess I will just have to indulge my sweets cravings instead!
After my appointment, we went to "relax" at Space Aliens with a dessert. Corbin didn't really like the idea of relaxing, but it was still a pretty fun time. When we bought our dessert, we got $5 worth of tokens free to use for the games. We didn't get many tickets this time around, but we had fun regardless! And Corbin got his 'm ms'...aka M&Ms.
Then home again, home again! And now it is time to relax. No more travels until the baby decides to arrive! Keep us in your prayers if you think about us...especially for the big adjustments for Corbin! I'll keep you updated with the progress!
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