Here he is! Smiling so sweet! Finally, it has been caught on camera!!!
He has the cutest smile! His entire body gets excited when he smiles!
Big old cheesy smile!
The last 2 months have gone by way too fast! I can't believe our little guy is already 2 months (and Corbin is 2 years old - crazy!!!)!!! It feels like Elias has always been here, but also like he just arrived yesterday! (Being a new parents is so confusing!) I love just watching him grow! I think he grows a little every time I blink! We are looking forward to all the stages to come, but relishing today!!!
Adorable!! And I think I know just how you feel :-) Can't wait to see Elias in-person very soon!
He is looking more grown up and not so new baby! Isn't it crazy how fast the time goes! You have such great boys!
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