Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Corbin is THREE

Happy 3rd Birthday Corbin!!!

Corbin was given some really big, awesome gifts from his grandparents this year!

When Corbin and I (Emily) went into the party store to pick out his theme, he went straight to the Thomas the Tank Engine area! After picking out everything he wanted that was Thomas, he went to the fire engine area, then Spiderman, and finally the construction themed area. But when he realized he only got one choice, he stuck with Thomas.

When I starting thinking about how much he loves trains, I thought it would be fun to do a train cake. I googled "train cakes" and this is the idea the website gave me.

Corbin relaxing in his new set of wheel!

Waiting to open his gift!

We had a party in our backyard on his birthday. All of his friends came to help celebrate!

Corbin picked out the "car" he wanted (topped with M&M's of course) and we put the candles in there. He blew out 2 of the 3! He knew that he had to save one for his girlfriend!

The boy table!


It still hasn't fully sunk in that Corbin is already a three year old! He is old enough to go to preschool (but we aren't sending him), old enough to ride a bike with training wheels, old enough to say his own prayers at night, old enough to dress himself (and he actually picks out stuff that matches sometimes), and my personal favorite...he is old enough to help with chores!!! He can make his own bed, set the table, fold *some* laundry, put his clothes in the drawers, pick up toys, vacuum and dust!!!

1 comment:

CJ Olson said...

Happy Birthday Corbin! Can't believe that you are three!! Your cake looks SO yummy!!