Thursday, August 20, 2009

While Daddy's away...

...we went down to Grandpa Don's and Grandma Cathy's to PLAY!!!

A majority of time was spent in the sandbox!

Some time was spent cooling in the pool!

We also cooled off with some freezie pops that turn your tongue fun colors!

Went over to see Simon's latest project. Corbin watched the box go down.

Bath time is necessity! And can't forget the lotion smiley face!

Sing a few Bob the Builder!

Lots of rides on the 3-wheeler!

And pretend to ride the dirt bike!

I even took the boys on around the yard a time or two!

We had a first while we were at Gma and Gpa's too! Corbin hit his head on a rock and got his first stitch! He did a great job at the Dr.! He came home with a blue stitch and some stickers! We went out for ice cream to make it all better.

It was so nice and (pretty) relaxing! Can't wait to come visit you again soon!!!

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