Thursday, August 6, 2009

Roosevelt Zoo

"Can you say baa?", Corbin asked the sheep.

We took a day and went to Minot with the kids for a little family time before Joel leaves for Youth Convention tomorrow morning. We had a wonderful day! We had a picnic in the park, rode on the train, went to the zoo and shopped a bit. Corbin didn't know what a picnic is, so right away he said "No, tank-tuo." (no, thank you) But when he found out what it was, he was very excited and all for eating at the picnic table.
The boys...Elias and his cheesy grin and Corbin showing off as usual!
This picture cracks me up!
Corbin could ride in any of the cars and of course chose the caboose...who wouldn't choose the caboose, right?
We bought some of the 25 cent corn to feed the deer, which Corbin spilled all over the ground, so we got on our hands and knees and fed the deer!
The zoo just got a pot-belly pig. It was ugly, but Elias walked right up to it and was so gentle! He kept petting it and petting it. He giggled every time he looked at us. He was so cute (Elias, not the pig)!
The zoo has giraffe feeding next time we go we will have to be sure to schedule that in.
The otters were so fun! They really put on a show!

This was the first trip we have taken to the zoo this summer! Next time we need to see the penguins, too. They were just going in for the night when we walked by.

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