Sunday, July 1, 2007


Everyone tells me how fast kids grow up and that you should always be sure to write down the good here it goes!

Last week, Corbin was being a little stinker! (Believe it or not, he isn't always the most well behaved child.) I was getting pretty worn out and really felt like throwing in the towel! Then, Corbin saved the day! He came into the kitchen (after digging through all his dirty clothes) with his "I love Mom" t-shirt! I was almost in tears! It was just what I needed! A little reminder!

Here's a laugh from today! I was cleaning the kitchen and Corbin was playing in his room! When I went to go get the little guy, I was surprised to smell a stinky diaper....from the hallway! When I rounded the corner into his room, I found out that he got into his diaper pail! The diapers were all over his room! He got a good cleaning, I got a good laugh and all went back to normal!

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