Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Take the Plunge!

Our church is putting on VBS this year instead of hiring someone to come in and do it for us! We are really excited to see how many people have volunteered to help! Although we are really looking forward to it, it is a little nerve racking at times, too!
We had a great time yesterday starting the put up the decorations! Corbin really liked the air-up toys!
Where's Corbin?? He is in the picture, although he is just about the smallest thing in the picture!
He really made us proud! There are 2 steps up to the front of the sanctuary and Corbin when up AND DOWN them!!!! When we got home, he was so tired and dirty! You can kind of see the dirty sock! We didn't realize how dirty the tarp was, until we saw Corbin's fingers and clothes!!!

1 comment:

Leingang Family said...

Your VBS looks like so much fun! It will be really great for you to do it yourselves this year. When is it going to be?