Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Good Times at Gma & Gpa's

This past weekend we went to TRF for a surprise birthday party for Joel's brother, Mark. It was a really good time! We got to see John & Jeannette and cousin Edon, who we hadn't seen in awhile! He has really grown! And we got to see Mark & Jenny and cousins Josie and Jake! Josie and Jake even gave presents to Corbin...and he really likes the books! He has already chewed one up and is working on the other 3! It was so nice to spend time with everyone again!

Corbin's favorite hobby now is tipping over anything that is stacked up! He loves to knock over books, blocks, legos, magazines and just about everything he can!


Today, I woke up super energized! Corbin and I played for over an hour before daycare came. Then we enjoyed a nice breakfast, played, Corbin took a nap, etc....then this afternoon Corbin got really grumpy! He is teething, so I understand a little, but he went overboard with the complaining! Joel made a wonderful supper and even brought Corbin over to some friends on his way to an evening meeting! So, now I sit, enjoying my free time from the men of the house!!! I suppose I better get to the laundry and dishes!

(We think we left all of our camera gizmos in TRF...so no pictures, sorry.)


Leingang Family said...

I am so glad you had a great day!

CJ Olson said...

Sorry that you don't have any pictures! :-( I can't believe that you got to have such a nice day!! Hope you can have more!!