Sunday, December 9, 2007

Gotta love Santa!

Last year, Corbin was 3 1/2 months old on our town's Santa Day. He had a really cute picture in Santa's lap, pulling on his beard and smiling! He even made it into the area newspaper!
This year was quite another story!
Santa was a very scarey, bearded, velvity MONSTER!!! Ho, ho, ho!!!
Within a few seconds, he was all out screaming!
But aren't the pictures great!


Leingang Family said...

I guess he isn't ready to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas quite yet. But you are right, he is cute.

Brooke said...

I knew that this is what it would have been like had we done this! Next year maybe! Still a fun story to tell!

CJ Olson said...

That's awesome!! What a great story with pictures to boot!!