Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

Thanks to his cousins, Corbin was a bee this year. He was such a cute bee!
He didn't say trick or treat, but he did knock on the doors.
Some houses we just strolled him up to.

Here's his little stinger!

He got a pretty good amount of candy. He even got some money! We ran into some pretty crazy costumes that he wasn't quite sure what to do...cry or smile...he was stone faced for most of the experience. It was fun though. And now begins the eating!!!


Josie and Jake said...

Hey C -
Looks like you had a great Halloween and scored a ton of candy. Us too. Could you "BEE" any cuter?

CJ Olson said...

I love his outfit!! What a cutie. Enjoy eating the candy!! :-)

Leingang Family said...

What a cute little bee!