Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesdays with Eli

Tuesdays are one of my favorite days of the week. Almost every Tuesday morning, Corbin goes along with Joel to XYZ Bible Study. The ladies love him there and bring him candy or treats. He is able to play and color and watch cartoons (we don't have tv). It is his break from Mommy and Eli, too.

The reason why I love Tuesday mornings isn't because I get rid of Corbin, but that I am able to spend some one-on-one time with Elias. Eli eats it up. He makes sure my eyes never move off of him. He helps me with every chore I do...from moving laundry downstairs in the clothes basket (rides in the basket and enjoys every bump down the stairs) to wiping down the table with his own washcloth! Tuesdays seem to work out best for grocery shopping, paying bills, folding laundry...one kid seems so much easier than two!!

Eli is so cute on Tuesdays. He smiles from ear to ear and knows full well that brother isn't around to take Mommy's attention away from him.

Tuesday mornings are so much fun!

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