Friday, January 23, 2009

Completely Random

We seem to have so many issues with our water! Yesterday, while Corbin was taking a bath the water turned really brown! It was absolutely gross! It was back to normal in the afternoon...sometimes though it lasts this way for 3 days! Yuck!

Corbin and I made a Choo-Choo cake last night! It was yummy!

Elias with his paci in upside-down!

And I think this picture shows the mistake I made...and am only going to make once! We got a package and I let Corbin play with the packing peanuts...yeah, not my smartest move!!!

And this would be Corbin hiding from me, while we waited to take the choo-choo out of the oven.


Brooke said...

Note to self: Never let a 2 year old play with packing peanuts!

It really is too funny though! I keep telling myself that he's acting his age! Hopeing it will sink in, but still hasn't.

CJ Olson said...

How fun!! That's awesome! :-) I love that you let Corbin plan with peanuts but I'm sure it's a pain to clean up!

Leingang Family said...

Nasty water!

Great cake!

Andy liked his upside down sometimes, too!

But how long was he occupied? And did he help clean them up?


Emily said...

Corbin stayed entertained for about half an hour (while I was feeding Elias)...and yes he helped clean up, but those things are so full of static that they wouldn't stay in the garbage!