Monday, July 30, 2007

Extra Extras

Does anyone happen to know what kind of flower this is?? I have plates with this flower on it growing by my house! How ironic!! Anywho...I am addicted to sewing! Alison showed me how to make these "taggy" blankies and I think they are so cute! (And easy!!!)

And here is our bathroom remodel!
(I don't know where the before pictures you just get to see the after.)
The counter used to be yellow with bleach spots and fingernail polish spots!! And the cabinets/drawers where ply-wood with a dark stain and bronze pulls. The bathroom is in the basement and I thought it really needed to be lightened up a bit! So here it is! (almost) FINISHED!!! (just need to paint the framing white)


Brooke said...

Very nice update to the bathroom! You are certainly staying busy this summer! So fun to see what you are doing, and how fast Corbin is growing!

CJ Olson said...

Ohh....I really, really like the bathroom! Nice job! :-)

Leingang Family said...

The bathroom looks SO MUCH BETTER! You did a great job!

I love the blankets, too. You have to tell me how you do them. I am so glad you like sewing. It is kinda addictive, isn't it?